Adhira Ghosh ,5 years ,Zurich.

Adhira Ghosh ,5 years ,Zurich.

Adrita sanyal,7 years old,Zurich

Archisha Ray,6 years old,Wettingen

Archisha Ray,6 Years old,Wettingen

Atreyi Roy Chowdhury,8 years old,Baden

Avni kashyap,10 years old ,Baden

Avni kashyap,10 years old ,Baden

Ishaan Parameshwar,9 years old ,Zurich,A bookish craft inspired by Tom Gates

Ishaan Parameshwar ,9 years old , Zurich

Samanvay Ray,7 years old, Wettingen

Samanvay Ray,7 years old, Wettingen
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