In our very first Art Gallery, you will find an assorted array of art created by the students of Baden-based artist, Sumana Roy Chowdhury. Each budding artist has responded in their own unique way to the prompt of ‘Advent’ and the traditional Swiss tradition of the ‘Adventkranz’.

Painting by Srihan Kundu 7-years-old

Painting by Shrenik Rangaswamy 7 years old

Painting by Iris Bhattacharya 10 years old

Painting by Avantika Bhar 9 years old

Painting by Atreyi Roy Chowdhury 8 years old

Painting by Annesha Bajpayee, 7 years old

Painting by Ananya Bajpayee 4 years old

Painting by Adrita Sanyal, 7 years old

Painting by Abhiroop Paul 5 years old
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