Navya is 8 years old and she lives in Nussbaumen. She loves nature and music. She wishes that everyone on Earth stays happy and healthy always.

Painting by Navya Dhammi Ein Regenshirm fur Alle


Hello, I am Samanvay Ray from Switzerland.

The year 2020 was the year of pandemic. Unlike in previous years, we couldn’t go skiing and sledging. We couldn’t meet our family in India. We couldn’t meet our friends to celebrate. But the year taught us how to be happy in bad times. So this time I decided to bake cookies, cake, patties. I sang carols, decorated our Christmas tree, wrote a letter to Santa, watched movies while munching on popcorn.
I am really wishing and hoping that 2021 will be Corona free and that there will be peace and happiness again in our lives.


Painting of Buddha by Samanvay Ray

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